It Was Only Yesterday

By in ,

It was only yesterday…the coming of the end.

Sorting, packing, throwing out. My heart began to bend.

Lifting voices into song, drowning our emotions.

No, that didn’t work for long. Their tears could fill the ocean.

One by one they said goodbyes, trying not to let it show.

Clinging tightly to my frame, trying not to let me go.

Countless pens and papers passed; Promised I would try to write.

Eyes and voices haunting me, I sat alone that night.


My shirt, still stained by all their tears. “I love you.” I still hear.

My arms, still weak from giving comfort, holding them so near.

My eyes, still fighting not to cry. My children weeping, “Daddy, why?”

And it was only yesterday…I still can’t say goodbye.

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