While Angels Wept (3 of 3)

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There in the darkness in which he’d stayed, looking with broken heart at the mess that he’d made, he saw that he now needed to make a decision.

The angels stood by as the silent war raged within him and prayed he’d have the strength to surrender and win, and sit up, and get up, and begin again.

There he saw that he’d wasted his time, and, while humbly bowed, he made up his mind. Right there and right then he folded his folded his filthy hands.

The angels listened as his prayer began. He confessed he’d known right and wrong when he’d made his stand, but now he repented and forsook his old ways.

There he confessed the time he’d wasted, prayed for purification from the sin he’d tasted, and then his life he consecrated…while angels wept.

The angels, with tears of joy in their eyes, lifted their voices in a hallowed cry, a shout that all in heaven should know that a lost son was now coming back home.

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