Stranded in Toronto

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The past month has been nothing short of miraculous. I extend my greatest thanks to those of you who made the mission to Manitoulin possible. You have literally changed people’s lives. I left Dayton on a Sunday evening, spent the night in Windsor, ON, picking up David and Chantal and leaving Monday morning. After driving all day, we arrived in Elliot Lake, ON. Over the next two weeks, scores of young people knocked on doors in the surrounding areas. I had the privilege to work with each team. These young people were so passionate and tireless in their work. Rain or shine, they stuck with the mission.

David and his mission team.
David and his mission team.

So many amazing things happened. One, I will never forget. For the record, because people like you prayed and gave, I was able to go on this mission. Because I was able to go, I was able to bring David. Because David came, on the last day, David encountered a young man who was preparing to take his life. Because of you, that young man’s life was saved. Stay tuned to hear more amazing stories like this. I assure you, there are tons more stories just like that.

As that chapter of the mission came to a close, a new mission began. This one, for the mission-mobile, also known as Little Sparrow. Praise be to God that it was able to keep rolling until we brought everyone safely from up north to Toronto. Now, alas, it died. We’ve been running hither and yon across the earth, trying to find and install parts for the many many things that require repair and replacement. So for the moment, thanks to miracles, the mission in Manitoulin Island and Elliot Lake was completed. Now, we’re stranded in Toronto, until we’re able to afford repairs. Yet again, we are faced with another opportunity to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding.

I write to encourage you, my brothers and sisters. I’ve seen, every day on the past mission, how God works. God is faithful to all who call upon His name. I can’t wait to tell you all how He provides yet another miracle to get this the Little Sparrow rolling again. Pray for us. And let us know how we can pray for you. We love you all. God bless!

One Comment
  1. Praise God for His Grace and Power! He shall provide abundantly for your ministry. My love and prayers are ever with you. <3

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