“I hope this email finds you well…” Such simple words, glowing off a dimmed laptop screen. I already knew what the rest of the email would say. The startling, terrifying…
Category: Race Recaps

Journey to the Top
Can’t sleep. It seems to be a regular thing the night before a race. I get antsy before a race. Usually starts a couple of days ahead of time, but…

Attrition (noun) the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure Twenty thousand people clogged the streets of downtown…

Against An Army
Like waking up from a surgery that you didn’t plan on having, I awaked Thanksgiving Day in a most confused state of agony. It was as if someone had surgically…

No Limits
The muffled serenade of the thousands of fluffy feathers was rudely interrupted by the blaring of three separate alarms. Three o’clock in the morning. Dyenna, Ben, and I were awake.…

Twenty-six Point Two
It started at 5am. With a two hour drive looming, I was antsy to be off. Nearly there, and it began to dawn on me just how far out this…